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You can join our Discord server on Here you can hang out with your friends and the community. Moreover, you can also seek for support, report bugs, participate in giveaways and much more. However, if you want to join voice channels, Discord is not the place to go. We offer them on our TeamSpeak server whilst on Discord only chat channels are available. Hereinafter you will find a short overview of the most important information about our Discord server. Everything else you will find directly on the Discord in the channels listed in the category "Informationen".

1 - Verification on the Discord

  • When joining the Community-Discord, you will be assigned the unverified role. By verifying with your Minecraft account you receive a particular role matching your in-game rank and a few new permissions on the Discord. Moreover, you receive the subtitle "Discord Crew" in-game!
  • Once you join the Discord server you can send a message to "Timolia Bot". Use /register <in-game name> to link your Account.. After that, click on the message which you received in your Minecraft chat.

2 - Discord rules

You can either view the rules of the Discord server in the channel #regeln on our Discord server or here.


We offer support on this server in chat form. Should the #communitysupport not be able to clarify a question or the concern is related to confidential information, a support chat can be created with /support . In this chat, similar to the TS help channel, individual team members can join and help further. Voice support is not offered on Discord, neither in voice channels nor by voice call or similar. For voice channels and support, our Teamspeak ( and the help channel there are available.

Report bugs

Bugs can be reported in the channel bug-reports. The following information is important so that the bug can be fixed: - What bug/error is it? - When did the bug occur? (e.g. "on 20.04.19 around 17:00") - Where did the bug occur? (e.g. "on the server games01". The current server is displayed on Tab) - Which Minecraft version are you playing with? Do you use modifications? If so, which ones? - Did the bug occur due to a certain action? - Are you getting error messages? If so, which ones?

If you have a screenshot or a video recording of the bug, you can also attach it. This is often very helpful for us. Please upload them to online platforms, e.g. Imgur for photos and YouTube for videos.